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港式自助烧烤火锅,超过100种新鲜食材挑选。一个价格就可享有 烧烤+火锅 双倍快乐 !
HK style buffet hot pot with more than 100 types of Fresh ingredients . Pay 1 Price, Enjoy BBQ+Hot Pot !

大排档火锅 Street HotPot
大排档火锅 独特又传统的港式火锅风格非常的受到广大的食客喜爱 !在这里用餐仿佛好像时光倒流 到70年代 和家人好友们在露天大排档享用 美味的火锅,聊天,放松的场所。
我们也为大家准备了多样的汤底 :清汤、麻辣汤、鸳鸯汤等和近百样新鲜火锅食材,让你吃后回味无穷 !一个价格就可享有 烧烤 + 火锅 双倍快乐。
Street Hot Pot, unique and traditional style is greatly loved by diners! Dining here feels like stepping back to the 1970s, enjoying delicious hot pot with family and friends in an at the road side hawker hot pot stall .Besides, it is also an ideal place for chatting and relaxation.
We serve a variety of soup bases: clear broth, spicy broth, yin-yang broth, and also nearly 100 types of hot pot ingredients, allowing you to savor endless delights!
Just pay only 1 price, you can enjoy BBQ + Hot Pot at the same time !

我们的地址 Our Location
No.25,Jalan KSB 16 ,Taman Kota Syahbandar.
75200 Melaka
011-5150 1919
价格 Price
👫 成人或小孩(140cm以上) RM49.90
👨🦳 乐龄人士 (60岁以上) RM38.00
👶🏻 小孩 (90 - 140cm) RM28.00
* 小孩 90cm 以下免费
* 用餐限时120分钟(2小时)
Street HotPot 大排档火锅 (马六甲)
Business Hour
11am - 1am
( Last Call @11pm )
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